If you are having a difficult time finding a US based job, why not consider Canada? Using an employment agency helps you find a wide selection of jobs in various fields. And an advantage to working in Canada is free universal healthcare.
Canada has a rapidly growing energy sector that needs skilled trade, administrative workers, engineers, and software professionals. From Nova Scotia to Vancouver, Canadian employers are looking for qualified workers.
Canada offers citizens many advantages:
• One of the best education systems in the world
• Salaries exceed those of many other countries
• Canada was recently recognized as having a wealthier middle class than any other country
• Canada was rated as the #1 place to live on the planet by the United Nations
• Canada has one of the highest life expectancies
• Canada has a wealth of cultural and outdoor experiences that rival any other country
• Vancouver was rated the most livable city
• Calgary was rated the most environmentally friendly and cleanest city
• Toronto is the 5th largest city in North America and is a destination for many new Canadian arrivals
• Canada is a multicultural and diverse society
Applying for work in Canada does take a little effort. Canada requires that you apply for a working visa:
• After you receive a job offer from a Canadian employer, the employer will issue a written offer as proof the applicant is ready to enter Canada legally
• The worker must then meet a minimum set of requirements of the job and have documented proof of their experience
• Proof of identity and an application fee are other requirements
• You can learn more about the official working visa requirements at the Government of Canada website
Canada has a great deal to offer, so what are you waiting for?
Canada has a great deal to offer, so what are you waiting for?