The story that follows is the partial story of 99er and registered nurse, Kerry Tierney. The first part of this story can be seen at Unemployment Examiner: 99er Kerry Tierney shares a story of disappointment, frustration, fear and hope In a follow-up letter Kerry expanded on her situation regarding job leads and how a registered nurse […]
The following is a guest post from Andr’e Hubb, a musician and 99er. For many of the millions of unemployed workers who will be losing state and federal benefits, the chances of their lives being radically altered is no mere afterthought. If no action is taken by our elected officials, the changes to their lives […]
“How does someone explain to their child that they can have a place to live and maybe stay warm in the winter, but in order to do that they won’t have any food to eat? Or they can eat, but may not have a secure place to live? Just try to explain those adult decisions […]