
The GOP (@gop) and especially the GOP House of Representatives (@houseGOP) under the ‘leadership’ of Speaker John Boehner (@speakerboehner) have performed a remarkable feat of financial destruction to millions of unemployed and especially the long-term job seeker. While the Senate has passed an extension of unemployment that would last until the end of May, the […]

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The GOP (@gop) and especially the GOP House of Representatives (@houseGOP) under the ‘leadership’ of Speaker John Boehner (@speakerboehner) have performed a remarkable feat of financial destruction to millions of unemployed and especially the long-term job seeker. While the Senate has passed an extension of unemployment that would last until the end of May, the […]

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layofflist on June 4th, 2011

The following is a guest post from Jason Tabrys, who writes the National Liberal column for Examiner and at his own site America’s Under and Unemployed Battlefield “You cannot choose your battlefield, God does that for you; But you can plant a standard where a standard never flew”-Jonathan Crane Earl James is one of the […]

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