This site was started to highlight the employment picture and to list layoff announcements, but has evolved to include personal stories of the unemployed, government employment data and economic commentary. This site is designed to be informative about the plight of the unemployed, especially the long-term unemployed. For the past 2.5 years this site has been dedicated to those who have suffered the most during this Great Recession. Your support will help this site continue its work for the jobless and disadvantaged.
hi, i’ve just linked to your blog on ours at because i think it’s a fascinating site and a real sign of the times that it even exists!
keep up the good work.
I see that you are having the same problems with this theme that I am. The column’s break and the right one goes underneath the left.. I seem to “fix” it when I uninstall a few of the plug ins.. thought maybe my twitter feed was messing it up so I removed, it seemed to work but now “broke” again on firefox but looks fine on safari. I really LOVE this theme and I don’t want to have to change but this is really frustrating to me as I”m sure it is to you! Let me know if you figure out a fix.
Thank you for being a fellow reporter who is taking the issue of longer term UI seriously. It’s overwhelmingly heartbreaking to hear the stories some of the jobless 99’ers can tell.
hi michael,
i live in so cal (long beach, ca to be exact) and am 6 months into my unemployment and when I first started hearing from friends a few weeks back about their potential termination of benefits (little did I know I would soon be one of those people as well), I immediately went on line to begin researching and one of the best sites I came across was your examiner piece. You helped me with valuable, easy to understand information and that supported me with contacting approx 15 different politicians in ca govt, white house and congress to address this matter.
I just wanted to say thank you for your excellent information and for the wonderful stuff you are doing. One of these days I will definitely make a donation to this website as your doing Americans a great service!
With much appreciation,
Michelle M
This is a disgrace. Have you opened the newspaper lately, inbetween your recess sessions, or your fancy lunches. If you were in our shoes it might be a different story. I think your all full of crap.
Wonderful thing you are doing here, Mike. You are to be commended for presenting these very real and human stories that make up the numbers we read about as well as presenting the facts concerning unemployment and the plight of the unemployed. The situation is truly heart-breaking and a very sad commentary on our values, particularly the values of those who oppose or stall the passage of legislation that would ease the desperation of all these hard-working people. Thank you and please keep doing what you’re doing here.
Hey Mike you really know your stuff! If I ever become a lottery winner I’m hiring you for an idea I have for a mens support group, until then thanks for everything!! God Bless!!
Support the extension of unemployment benefits by joining the Unemployed Workers Action group ( and joining us in Washington on October 2nd (see attached). Signup for a free/subsidized bus to the rally (
Greetings to Capitol Hill
From the halls of Congress to the living rooms across America, heated debate continues into the cause of astoundingly high unemployment.
Job seekers outnumber jobs, six to one.
While the children are busy writing out wish lists, elected officials harden their hearts to the pleas of the millions of desperate unemployed families.
Many Americans working low paying jobs can’t afford the enormous heating bills to keep their children warm thru this holiday season.
How many children will think they’re bad when Santa does not come ?
Spread this message to living rooms and lobby halls,
President Obama , Senators and Representatives,
Adorn the White House Christmas Tree with the children’s wish lists, Lest they be forgotten!
Flood the National Halls …..have Balls!
We are tired of this Folly ! There are not enough jobs!
Do your job from henceforth ,take care of Americans first!
The rising has begun and will continue on behalf of our children,
America for all. End the Monopoly Game !
For unto us this day a child is born and the government shall be on his shoulders.
If you agree that Government has not done their jobs…email a copy of this to your friends and family members.
Enter your zip in the link below for a complete list of email and snail mail contacts
Please send a copy of the above with your Christmas Cards
to your Elected Officials
Put America Back To Work!
Parents who can not afford Christmas Gifts this year send your children’s list to our President for our country’s tree.
Let them see the pain.
Thank You ,
On behalf of all Americans
Hi all,
I’m so relieved just to come across sites like this one because at least I know I’m not alone. The sense of abandonment and helplessness being unemployed for a long time makes one feel so isolated.
From what I’ve been reading, I’m actually pretty typical of many others’ experiences. I lost my job a year and half ago. I’m college educated, been doing things that I heard would make me more “marketable” (volunteering, taking classes at local college, doing temp/seasonal work)– and nothing. I’m “over qualified” (we all know this means we’re too old, even though age discrimination is suppose to be illegal), and of course, I’ve been out of work over couple months.
I’ve sent out hundreds of resumes, made calls, filled out apps– nothing. UI benefits will be running out soon, but can’t even get a PT job. Every job app I’ve filled out wants to know if I’m on welfare so the company can get tax credits for hiring me. But I’m not on welfare, so I’m not worth hiring.
But I guess there is light at the end of the tunnel– I’ll be on welfare soon. But isn’t being on welfare more expensive than UI since welfare people qualify for Medicaid? Isn’t extending UI cheaper for the government?
The amazing thing is that just about every company has suddenly decided not to hire anybody who’s been unemployed more than couple months. What are the odds of that?! Companies haven’t been conspiring?!
Is there an HR manager out there who knows how this came about? Share your inside information with us! Let websites like this one be the 99ers Wikileaks!
Welcome the NWO please visit Alex Jones on You Tube how did we get here its been in the works for many years I use to think conspiracy theory was a joke but the rich do not care about u and by the way there is no difference between Rep / Dem/ Tea party now that is split.
I want my country back just doing my part.
Wake up just go and listen at least to Alex
I saw this a few days ago and it appears one of our fellow 99ers is mobilizing us to ACTION on a particular date. Since most of us can’t trek to DC we are being asked to do what we can in our local hometowns on April 2nd. As we all have different gifts and talents it is up to YOU to do what you can to make this happen!